Rebecca Scaglione has been writing since 2005, and thanks God for life experiences that influence her storytelling. After a ten year writing hiatus while caring for her aging parents, God opened her heart to complete Angels of El Roi, with a deeper understanding of God’s timing and influence in her life.
Rebecca feels the most encouraging part of any new journey in life is knowing God is in charge and will lead her to places she never thought possible to go. She writes, “For it is only by His grace that I have the wisdom to choose the right path to follow, the courage to take another step, and the assurance of never having to travel alone. I am blessed to be able to take the hand of the Author of my life as He gently leads me down the path He has chosen for me. Anything accomplished along the way is all for the glory of God, who guides me and instructs me, and then sits back to see what I will do!
With each new day, God grants me a chance to fulfill new dreams, create new hopes and point to my Savior who already knows the ending of my story. There is peace in knowing God is in control, and my name is written in His Book of Life.”
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